parameters QUALITY


Natural gas quality parameters in national regulations Extract from the Decision of the Energy Regulatory Agency no. 420 of 22.11.2019 regarding the approval of the Code of natural gas networks

The quality parameters, physico-chemical indicators and other characteristics of natural gas are established according to the quality standards approved by the national standardization body and provided for in point 26 of the Gas Networks Code. The determination of the quality parameters of the natural gas delivered to/from the natural gas networks is carried out in accordance with the conditions established in the Networks Code, the interconnection agreements and the operating agreements, concluded between the parties involved in the natural gas delivery-takeover process. The quality parameters of natural gas, mandatorily, are indicated in the operating agreements at the interconnection point and the natural gas supply contracts. When delivering and taking over the natural gas, the information on the quality parameters of the natural gas, determined by the OST, is transmitted. During the delivery-receipt of natural gas, the system operator upstream of the delivery point is responsible for complying with the requirements of the established natural gas quality parameters. The determination of the quality parameters of natural gas at the entry points into the natural gas transport network is carried out using online chromatographs and hygrometers, with hourly recording of their values.

For the entry/exit points of natural gas transmission networks, the following natural gas quality parameters are determined:

• lower and higher calorific value, kWh/m3; • range of Wobbe index values (upper), kWh/m3; • admissible deviation of the Wobbe index from the nominal value; • mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide, g/m3; • mass concentration of mercaptan sulfur, g/m3; • volume fraction of oxygen, %; • mass of mechanical impurities in 1 m3, g.





Pasapoarte Calitate PI Februarie 2024